It never works.

It worked for 5 minutes and then stopped.

I can’t see anything out of these swim goggles.

You’ve heard it before. You may have even experienced the same thing the last time you applied an anti-fog. Believe or not, how you apply an anti-fog spray is just as important as the type of anti-fog you select. A good anti-fog is one that “sticks” well to the lens surface, thus providing longevity and reliable anti-fog performance.

Before you even start the process of applying an anti-fog spray, it is extremely important that you prep the lens surface first.

Fog forms when the temperature on the inside of the lens is different from the temperature on the outside lens. This causes the creation of water droplets, better known as fog, which attach themselves to the lens surface. An anti-fog reduces the surface tension of the lens causing the water droplets to “slip” down the surface of the lens rather than sticking to the lens in the form of fog. The idea is to create a surface that does not allow the water droplets to “stick” to the lens.

The fog droplets are looking for things to attach themselves to. Dirt specks and body oils make the perfect attachment points. That said, it is very important that you clean the lens before doing anything. Moisture droplets cannot easily attach themselves to a clean lens. With a clean lens the moisture sheets down and collects at the bottom instead of fogging.

How to apply Anti-Fog Spray to your swim googles or lenses

STEP 1: Clean your swim goggles often. Use a non-abrasive cleaner (vinegar and water work great).  Do NOT use your fingers to clean your lens. They will leave behind additional residues and body oils.

STEP 2: Rinse the lens in hot water.

STEP 3: Apply Anti-Fog Spray to the inside lens surface. Spray it on the lens, ensuring you give the lens a nice even coating. Feel free to move the lens around to ensure an even application. 

STEP 4: Rinse the solution from the lens with water.

Now you’re ready to get back in the water!

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